Kristyn Davis, Partner of Burton and Davis Concierge Service

Kristyn Davis

is Co-Founder at Burton & Davis Business Concierge Services, LLP. With her extensive experience in customer service, client relations and running small businesses, she is passionate about helping individuals and organizations with their day-to-day challenges. She is a lifelong learner, continually seeking innovative and efficient solutions. Originally from South Carolina, she has been living in the wonderful state of Idaho since college. Kristyn is busy being a mom to three active kids and a dog. In her free time, she loves to cheer on her kids at their sporting events, attend Boise State games, and experiment with new recipes.

linkedin account for Kristyn Davis of Burton & Davis Concierge in Boise Idaho. instagram account for Kristyn Davis of Burton & Davis Concierge in Boise Idaho.

Kristyn's DNA:
  • Fun Facts

    Her first real job was working as a "dry guard" at a water park in Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker's Heritage USA Christian theme park

  • She is a big fan of BSU football, running, laughing, reading, rap music, entertaining, and her dog Melody

  • She has a BA in Communications
    Boise State University

  • Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) and Organizational Effectiveness Inventory (OEI) Certified, Human Synergistics International 2021